“Art” One Shoot Sunday’s been Graffiti’d!

Pop art
spray paint marks walls
city sidewalks, flyways
try to capture what you have seen
it‘s a vibrant vision, tells of places,
faces, fallen heroes, salute
to freedom of your life
landscape’s wonder
Pop art

Process notes: This is a rictameter poem. I saw some of these around during napowrimo, and decided to write one to the prompt.

* flyway is actually flyaway, but it didn’t fit 🙂

A rictameter is a nine line poetry form. The first and last lines are the same with the syllable count as follows:
line 1 – 2 syllables – same as line 9
line 2 – 4 syllables
line 3 – 6 syllables
line 4 – 8 syllables
line 5 – 10 syllables
line 6 – 8 syllables
line 7 – 6 syllables
line 8 – 4 syllables
line 9 – 2 syllables – same as line 1

28 responses to ““Art” One Shoot Sunday’s been Graffiti’d!

  1. “salute
    to freedom of your life”

    Exactly. Cool form, which works very well with the subject. “Pop art” acting like bookends renders a nice effect in shape and meaning.

  2. A beautiful piece to describe a controversial art form. Thanks for the email and the heads up on the spelling. I do speak Spanish but not as fluent as I was did. I was
    born and raised in CA and my father’s father was from a Northern provence in Spain but dad believed we were Americans and should speak English so we
    learned in school. My mother was not of Spanish descent. My Spanish writing is very rusty it seems. I have made the correction as I do want it to be as it should. Thanks again.

  3. Sorry, again. I meant to say as “I once did”. I think my age is telling on me.

  4. In a rush, but I must say that I enjoyed your pop art piece, and that graffiti is one of my secret likes.
    You’ve found another interesting form.

  5. I applaud you for writing this … a great subject! I have always been drawn to graffiti!

    I learned about rictameters a few years ago and wrote several. I was never able to determine if it was considered a true poetic form. It seems to be an evolution of a cinquain. I am so happy to see that you have written one. Here’s one I wrote in 2008:
    The woods
    sleep in winter.
    No sad remembering.
    Now I have reached my own ending,
    my life shadowed by ancient memories,
    the sharply pointed edges smooth.
    This last instant remains,
    a brief gray dream–
    the woods.

  6. Fantastic write and loved reading the form details. I will have to try this style, it is a beautiful structure to read in flow. Great write ~ Rose

  7. Rictameter is a very restrictive and challenging form, but as always, you get what you pay for and it can turn out some really sharply directed and subtle poems. I like your salute to the free visuals of graffiti much, Pamela, and glad you enjoyed the Cohen tune.

  8. Pop Art indeed – and some of it is actually beautiful….Andy Warhol..would love it all…bkm

  9. Interesting form for a such a wild ‘n’ free profusion — like capturing a waterfall in a mason jar. The structure works; turn it upside down or rightside up, the vision is the same.- Brendan

  10. I like it Pamela, and am always thrilled to uncover a new form. I like the folks at onestop. But lord, I can’t keep up with all the prompts. 🙂 I’m glad they are there, though, and I’ll keep plugging away. That picture did not speak to me, I kept thinking of the raisin television commercials that used to be on for cereal in the U.S. So I gave up. LOL You rose to the prompt well. Nicely done.

    • Hi Brenda, ha ha ha! I thought of that too, when I saw the graffiti of the sun and vegetables. But I thought about all the drawings I’ve seen, especially here. They paint a lot of revolutionary type graffiti, Che, Zapata, The Indigenous problem in Oaxaca …

  11. I really enjoyd this. I like reading new preentations offiered in creative ways. Also loved your words; well chosen.


  12. I like the look of this form, Pamela. I might give it a go. I prefer ‘flyway’.

  13. your salute to pop art was very well crafted. like the idea of “it‘s a vibrant vision, tells of places, / faces, fallen heroes.”

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