>Left alone writer`s island #20 last redwood

>Landscapes once green and vibrant with color now have become barren.
Languid dreams are no longer mine. I am all alone to remember the beginning . . .
Lifeless extensions hanging from a corset of time sprouting nothingness . . .
Landfills gather at the basin of my feet. And tangle hysteria with fear.
Lurking vultures want my flesh for theirs and plant seeds in cored-out worm holes.
Leaning slightly to the proximity of the height, gravity has pulled me closer to the earth.
Leaves on my arms have disintegrated. Lost in the putrid air of destruction.

26 responses to “>Left alone writer`s island #20 last redwood

  1. >Oh Lor! Pamela, every post I read on his prompt depresses me further. Please tell me you will survive………. Can you explain this automatic writing thing: is it the same as what I call a freewrite, but with a first letter kickoff?

  2. >Some dark and powerful imagery! Excellent take on the prompt! =)-Weasel

  3. >Very evocative peice and I like the L beginnings … not seen that before! well written

  4. >Love this piece… kind of similar to mine. Bisous, Love and Light, Sender

  5. >Powerful and dark words. Nicely done.

  6. >Beautitul piece of writing Pamela, even if the images are dark and horrible. Incredible use of language here and it certainly brings your message clear, allows it to stand up from the page.Elizabeth

  7. >cute, you always craft perfect arts.

  8. >I give you credit for giving this prompt a try.Your automatic writing was one way to accomplish it. I had to pass..there's always next week!

  9. >Wonderfully written :D~ All the way for "L"~ :3 thank for sharing :3~~

  10. >Truly a reminiscent poem — I love it!

  11. >Viv most prompts lately seem to be on the downside!Pamela

  12. >Weasel yes it is a bit dark!Thanks!Pamela

  13. >Thanks Deborah. And it is called automatic writing and I enjoy doing it now and again.Pamela

  14. >Thanks sender! And thanks for visiting!Pamela

  15. >Thank you Anthony!Pamela

  16. >Elizabeth what a nice thing to say!Thanks!Pamela

  17. >Thanks Jingle!Pamela

  18. >Nice to see you Wayne!Pamela

  19. >Mary I admit the prompt was a bit depressing!Pamela

  20. >Diane thanks so much!Pamela

  21. >Dark, yes, and maybe prophetic. I like it – it shows a lot of depth.

  22. >The automatic writing worked so well I didn't notice it until someone else mentioned it.

  23. >zouxzoux thanks!Pamela

  24. >tilly thanks and I enjoy writing like this at times!Pamela

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