Colours of Change Napowrimo Day # 7

Purple sylph saturated
by muted blue rising
in fertileness
I’ve placed you
center in my living
space, worn you
in winter
for softness,
a subtle change
from iniquitous climates
turning an aubergine shade

5 responses to “Colours of Change Napowrimo Day # 7

  1. More gorgeous writing, Pamela! I love “Purple sylph saturated
    by muted blue rising in fertileness.” And “aubergine” is one of my favorite words. It sounds so exotic, with a suggestion of so much potential!

  2. def some nice phrasing in this….esp those last couple lines…and great visuals in the opening…

  3. You’ve used color to express something quite beautiful, dear Pamela!

  4. Beautiful poem of color, Pamela!

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