“Thomas Lester, but you may call me Timothy” Joseph Harker’s Reverie Five:Sound and Fury

We were made of castles, encrusted virgin sand
covering my toes in childish stance,
finding fortune along the shore

Locking loving fingers, leading me into the
big waves that splashed across our faces,
singing with joy

As the sun went down, fire pits flaming
to warm sunburnt bodies, sitting
by my side, my dad

Process notes: Sentimental, yes it is. I wrote a poem recently about my dad from my teenage years, which was filled with some anxiety. This is my fondest memory of him when I was just a little girl. Long Island beach weekends, sun, sand, and campfires at night. I tried to include some of Joseph’s suggestions on phonetic structures, I have counted 22.

26 responses to ““Thomas Lester, but you may call me Timothy” Joseph Harker’s Reverie Five:Sound and Fury

  1. What a beautiful and warm memory, Pamela.

  2. Thanks Mary, I wrote this quickly. I should have given it more time, but alas, it is what it is. It was a difficult prompt, and I got lost in the memory writing it.

  3. Don’t change it, Pamela, it’s perfect. Getting lost in the memory is important – never let the parameters of a prompt spoil a good poem!

  4. Thanks Viv. I feared it might end up too long with saying too much. I only have 22 phonetic sounds, but I like the poem.

  5. Now I am curious as to reverie five ..I didn’t know it was up yet…
    Nice memory. Made me think of some good ones with my own Dad. Thanks ~J

    • Some of my best memories are from that time period in my life, Jules. Reveries usually go up on Saturday, but Joesph posted this Friday. I wasn’t going to give it a try until this week, but you know how the muse can be.

  6. I’m with Viv on this.
    The third, fire pit and sunburn, stanza–never had those two together as a thought before. so, thanks

  7. Ahhh, beautiful.

    We are made of….

    and off we go. tossing and turning full bodies relationships, turning them upside down, in less time than you can say sunset with daddy.

    it’s beautiful.

  8. I am a compulsive counter of phonemes, and I can tell you that there’s way more than 22 in here, so don’t be down on yourself about that. 😉 And the theme, tone, language, and structure of the poem should always trump the rules you set when the poem demands it (as this one did; it lives and breathes). Thank you for sharing this memory, presenting it so beautifully, and along the way happening to engage with the prompt; the prompt should never get in the way of good writing.

  9. Joseph, that is one of the nicest things to say. I knew this is what my heart wanted to write. How come I’ve only counted 22? Well, I was never very good at math 😉 I love your prompts. They are a challenge, but nothing good comes easy. Not sure I like that cliche, but it fits life, doesn’t it?

  10. A lovely memory put to pen. It’s so wonderful to have memories like this to cherish, perfectly written, or not 🙂

  11. This is such a lovely piece–and memory that you have shared with us all–Thank you!

  12. nice…i like your use of like sounds…and i have some of those memories as well..dad jumping waves…it was easy like that when we were young…

  13. Since I have no knowledge of the prompt strictures I cant say how it may have contributed to your piece, but I like what I see, as always from you, pamela, a sureness on emotional ground and a love of the things language can do when thoughtfully employed. A warm poem, but not overly sentimental at all, I don’t think.

  14. What a sweet memory of your childhood and your dad. I’m sure he would be proud to read it.

  15. Such lovely memories captured here, Pamela. You’re lucky to have them.

  16. That is a wonderful memory, Pamela, and thank you for sharing it here. The beach was my favorite place as a child.

  17. oh wow…what a lovely capture of the moment…a childhood memory to warm the heart on cold grown-up days..

  18. Sea & dad is a wonderful memory for me as well. You brought us there.

  19. This is beautiful, Pamela. What a wonderful memory to preserve through your words.

  20. Lovely memory to cherish…my dad is gone now almost four years and I miss him every day.

  21. very touching piece ~ Rose

  22. Thanks to all for the nice comments.

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